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How to make the letters uppercase
How to make the letters uppercase

Change the capitalization / Caps Lock

Updated over a month ago

To display text in your email signature in uppercase letters, do not directly edit the text within a user profile. This may contribute to your messages being flagged as spam by some email servers. Instead, you need to modify the signature's HTML source code.

Here's how:

  • Navigate to Signature templates: Go to the Signature templates section of your account.

  • Select Template: Choose the signature template you wish to edit.

  • Open Source Code: Click the "Source" button to access the HTML code for the signature.

  • Locate Text: Find the specific text within the code that you want to display in uppercase.

  • Apply CSS Style: Add the following CSS style attribute to the HTML element containing the text: style="text-transform:uppercase;"

    • Example: If your original code is:

<div>{firstName} {lastName}</div>

Modify it to:

<div style="text-transform:uppercase;">{firstName} {lastName}</div>
  • Save Changes: Save your changes to the signature template.

Important Note: If you are unsure about editing the HTML source code, please contact our support team via chat or email for assistance. We're happy to help!

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