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How to perform a scope update
Updated this week

SignatureSatori has gone through an internal change in June 2017. This transition enables to bring you new features. However, it requires admins granting us access to new G Suite scopes (a type of data in your domain) to work properly. That’s why we need your action. 

For application to continue operating smoothly* please do the following:

  • Click Grant data access

 It may take a couple of minutes for changes to propagate. You can recheck the state on the Dashboard.

With this update, we are also giving you an option to set the signature to “Send As” addresses. With this function activated, one user can have multiple different signatures. Learn more about it here

 * But don’t worry, everything will continue operating without interruption until November 15, 2017 (Termination of the old API by Google). If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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