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Updated yesterday
  1. Go to your HubSpot account, click on your avatar, and then Profile & Preferences.

2. Scroll down a little bit and you can click on the Edit signature button under the section CRM Communication

3. A new modal window will appear. Now, please click on the HTML tab.

4. For now, leave this browser tab and open a new one.

Fill or update information for your signature if necessary.
(Please note that your administrator sets the editable information).

6. When you are finished, click on Download HTML.

7. Save the file to your PC.

8. Go to the destination folder where you saved this file and right-click it. Select Open with - select Notepad.

If you use Mac, open that with the TextEdit app.

If TextEdit opens the signature formatted, not in HTML, please go to Settings-> Open and Save and check the option highlighted below.

9. In the Notepad (Textedit), select all and copy that.

10. Go back to the previous tab with HubSpot opened and make sure, you have HTML tab selected.

11. Paste the copied HTML from the Notepad there.

12. You should be able to see your signature in the Preview section. If that's alright, click Save

Your signature is now used for email in HubSpot!

If you are struggling with this procedure, please contact us via email or via chat in the right bottom corner.

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